6 Ways to Keep Deer from Breaking into Your Property

Deer are a pain for many people because of their lawns or gardens. Unfortunately, many homeowners resort to killing deer on their property when they see them, but there are other options for keeping animals away without injuring them.

Different Ways to Keep Deer off Your Property:

1) Deer Fence:

Tall, sturdy wood or metal deer fencing can be an effective barrier to deer. The two easiest ways for deer to get through your fence without being noticed are by jumping over it or slipping through a gap. To avoid this, make sure that your fence is at least eight feet high with no gaps wider than four inches.

2) Deer Gates/Posts:

A barrier or post that prevents them from approaching the area you wish to safeguard is one approach to keep animals out of places where they don’t belong (such as your garden). This sort of barrier is known by a variety of names, including “deer stop,” “deer post,” “deer fence posts,” and simply “deer pole.”

The height of a stockade fence is determined by the region in which you reside, although it is most frequently between three and six feet tall. Some homeowners put deer posts on both sides of their gate for additional protection against animals burrowing under.

3) Post Drivers:

An inexpensive gas-powered t post driver ($30-$50) is another option to keep deer out. This equipment will assist you drive the posts into the ground while eliminating any air pockets, solidifying their position so they don’t fall over in strong winds, heavy snowfall, or other elements typical to your yard.

4) Scare away deer with sound:

Knowing that deer are more likely to vacate an area if they believe there is a predator present, you can take advantage of this by playing sounds of known predators in the vicinity. These include recordings of animals like coyotes, wolves, or even domestic dogs barking. You could also try using a device that emits high-frequency sounds, as deer are especially sensitive to these.

There are a number of commercial products available that use these techniques, or you could even make your own. For example, you could put a loudspeaker in your garden and play the sounds on a loop. Or hang CDs with images of predators (e.g. coyotes) around your property, as deer are also deterred by visual stimuli.

5) Plant deterrents:

Coleus Canina (also known as “scaredy cat plant”), lavender, garlic chives, or rue are all plants that deer avoid. As a result, before you discover what works best for your needs, you’ll need to test various combinations of these natural repellents.

If you live in an area with a lot of deer, it’s a good idea to plant these around the perimeter of your property. That way, they’ll be less likely to venture onto your property in the first place.

6) Chemical repellents:

Deers are known to be particularly fond of certain plants and may damage them by eating or trampling on them. However, there are various commercially available treatments that can assist you to keep deer off your property. Despite this, they vary in effectiveness, and many people fear using them for fear of long-term environmental effects.

In conclusion, the key is finding the best combination of strategies that works for your situation, so they don’t try any funny business once you’ve put up defenses.